soul destiny coaching

Are you ready for change? Does it feel like you are being called to do something new, or different that expresses who you really are in your life?
​When you are ready, you're ready.
​Coaching programs to help you explore and activate your Soul Destiny.
See if it resonates with you.


"Soul Destiny Intuitive Readings"
   1:1 sessions to open your heart to your    true purpose.

"Introduction to Meditation and Healing" The Prophet, Online Course

"Ancient Shamanism" Course
​   Vancouver, BC and
Seattle WA​

​​Courses are based in metaphysics with a focus on consciousness and mindfulness.​

   soul destiny

Def: the opening of the heart to the Soul's true purpose revealed to us throughout a lifetime.

​The Soul's desire to fully express our divine nature in the world.


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© Laura Dressler, 2020

oul Destiny
Laura M. Dressler​
" We have the extraordinary coded within us, waiting to be released."  
Jean Houston